More of a fizzle. . .

While we have been having fun with the pod cast we also do not seem to be able to keep any stable schedul I will continue to publish any new recording or updates as time allows but as with many first time projects this one may be failing. I have personally learned a lot about the process of creating and publishing a pod cast and shall be carrying that with me in to future projects. To all our loyal listener hopefully we’ll see you soon.


O.K! so its been a while we haven’t forgotten about you our loyal listener.  😉 We have been moving in to a new home and recording had to take a back seat to packing and unpacking. But I am talking whit the girls about how we can make a triumphant return to the podcast world with something new and exciting . . . hopefully soon I will keep you posted.

Happy Holidays

I was hopping to pull ahead an episode over the holidays just in case we had another off week. Instead we had another off week. I am going to see about some type of shorter “bonus” episodes for the holidays, and then with luck back to every other week updates after the holidays all shake out. I will keep you posted. . .

This Episode Feels Forced. . .

So it took some doing but we got a podcast recorded amidst the holiday chaos. It sounded great till I edited it. I recovered what  I could I am still learning how to make new and different mistakes so sorry that the quality is a bit off hopefully you can enjoy it still. Remember were on iTunes and Sticher now share us with your friends. As always feel free to leave a comment or suggestion and please drop into iTunes or Sticher and post a review more stars means more people can find us to tell us how lame we are. Until next time. .  May the Force be with you!

Robotech or Bust!

So were a bit short of the show length I’m aiming for. But despite multiple restarts lost recordings and having to edit the whole episode three times I’m done just in time to post right on time for my Monday deadline. Hopefully despite all of this you enjoy our latest episode please remember to spread the love to your friends and family. Re-post us on Facebook, Twitter or where you think you can find someone that might like to here us ramble on. Also As of this week we are available on Sticher and soon as I figure out what it is that iTunes is having an issue with we’ll be over there too. Until then be excellent to each other . . .

Episode Three

Illness schedules and Parenting time . .

I feel like we started strong with our first podcast coming out earlier than i expected. Even with learning to edit audio and actually making a podcast available for listening I felt i was doing pretty good and would be easily able to get an episode every other week. . . As you may have noticed its been more than a couple of weeks and there is still no new episode. What happened Mr. J? Well life happens even when you  have a schedule. It may not be apparent in the pod cast but I am no longer married to Z.J. and L.J’s mother and only get to really have them for every other weekend. Hence the recording release schedule i chose what I did not expect was illness not only to strike in my home delaying the recording but also their mothers home. We have been unable to make up the time until recently and even then birthdays and other events delayed and truncated the time we had to record. But I am pleased to announce that we will be having our next episode up soon Its in the final phase of editing and upload and should be available in the next 48 hours. Until then something to play with that hints at the contents of the next episode just Click here!

First time for everything. . .

So I have been kicking around the idea of doing a podcast for a while but never been able to decide on a subject and my self-doubt and procrastination has been hold me back. But inspired by other podcasters I have been listening to I grabbed my daughters put a mic in front of them and hit record. This episode we talk turtle hopefully you enjoy listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed making them. My plan right now is an episode every two weeks hopefully we can keep up that pace and maybe we’ll have some special episodes in between.
Episode One Talking Turtle